
My name is Katerina Hybaskova and I go by the artistic name Bykat. I have a background in photography/video, studied graphic design in Dublin, and I am certified Happiness Coach, TEFL teacher, etc. 🙂 I love books, music, dance, philosophy, personal development, etc. I am fascinated by the human mind and the laws of Universe. 

Professionally and personally, I strive to leave the world a little better than I found it. People should help each other and be kind to one another.

Lidé říkají, že má díla k nim promlouvají a nesou v sobě léčivou sílu, která uklidňuje mysl, otevírá srdce a přináší vnitřní klid. Každý obraz vypráví jedinečný příběh, který podporuje osobní růst a hluboké zamyšlení nad vlastním životem.

On Instagram, I share behind-the-scenes videos where I show how my artworks are created. ( HERE )

In my art, I combine movement and emotions, creating paintings in the rhythm of dance and capturing my positive energy directly onto the canvas. 

Nabízím limitované edice uměleckých tisků—autorské reprodukce mých děl. Každý tisk je ručně podepsaný, očíslovaný a s certifikátem pravosti. Je to možnost, jak můžete vlastnit kousek mého světa za dostupnější cenu.
Prohlídni si kolekci ZDE

"My style is influenced by abstract expressionism, street art, and a personal desire for continuous exploration. For me, art is not just about beauty; it's a way to ask questions and reconsider what we already know. I draw inspiration from human existence, the subconscious, the laws of the universe, and the world around us."

"Everything is connected, and each of us is a part of this continuously evolving artistic narrative. It's not so much about the physical destination or the final outcome, but rather about what we discover along the way and how it transforms us."


Are you interested in collaboration, my creation, or do you have a question?